Before we get to the rules, a few requests/reminders

– Please walk on the *walk path* and not on the bike path

There is usually a walk path alongside the bike path, but occasionally the two coincide. Wherever possible, please do not stand, block, or walk on the bike path. If there is no adjacent walk path, please walk in single file at the side of the bike path so as to not block riders.

– Please put your trash in the provided trash bags

We’re doing everything we can to leave the beaches better after the event than before. We appreciate your help. Tourney staff will make sure you have trash bags on hand. Please use them.

No alcohol policy

Santa Monica prohibits alcohol on the beach, and our continued use of the beach for large events depends on our respecting this prohibition. If tourney staff see any branded alcohol containers – cans or bottles of beer, wine or booze – you will be asked to discard (not hide, but discard) it. Repeated violations will risk disqualification of your team. We really appreciate your cooperation on this.

Tournament Rules

For reference: Standard BULA Rules.

Game Times (Start/Stop)

All Games are timed. Games must start on time. Stall count is 10. Games in pool play are to 11. Mirror halves. One time out per half plus a floater. Soft cap at 10 min before time. Hard cap at 5 min before time. Once soft cap is set, no more timeouts. Games in pool play are to 11 or 13, depending on division. This will be specified in the captains meeting.

* a) If the hard cap goes off during a point, finish the point. If the point difference after that point is 2 or less than 2, play another point until 1 team has a higher score (a team does not need to win by 2). If the point difference is now 3 or more, the game is over.
* b) If the cap goes off “in between points”: If the point difference is 3 or more, the game is over. If the point difference is 2, play that point. The lower scoring team must score a 2 pointer in order to force another point. If the point difference is 1 or 0, play that point. If that point results in one team having a higher score, the game is over. If that point results in a tie, play one more point

Field lines and in/out.

For this tournament, if any part of your body is touching a line when you control the disc on a catch, you are out. If you are touching the goal line you are not in.

Note that these rules are different than for many tournaments, where as long as you are under the line you are in.

Checking the Disc: Hand check

A hand check is needed to initiate play after any infraction of the rules, such as, violations and fouls. A ground check is needed to initiate play any other time such as, a pulled disc, brick-mark, turnover, or time-out.

Checking the Disc: Out of Bounds Pulls

If the disc becomes out-of-bounds without first touching the playing field or an offensive player, the thrower may establish the pivot either at the brick mark closest to their defending end zone, or at the spot on the playing field proper closest to where the disc went out-of-bounds. The brick option must be signalled by the intended thrower before picking up the disc by fully extending one arm above their head.


If a defensive player intercepts a disc from an offensive player in their endzone of attack, the defensive team scores one point.

Report all scores after each round

More Rules (GENERAL)

WFDF rules