LMU ultimate is putting on the first annual LMU Collegiate Mixed Beach Jam, which to our knowledge is the first ever collegiate mixed beach tourney (let us know if you know different). LA Throwback is pleased to be able to sponsor the event and provide support.
They’ll be out on Venice Beach on Saturday, September 28th hucking discs and celebrating the start of the new school year. Teams will compete in 3 games of pool play, with a final playoff game to determine place. All games will be 5-on-5 mixed (i.e. co-ed) beach ultimate on regulation lined fields with scoreboards (courtesy of LA Throwback).
The Mixed Beach Jam is a fundraiser for the newly formed LMU Ultimate Team (both Men’s and Women’s teams). This event is for college teams and students, but they’ll allow ringers if needed to complete a roster. The price is $10/player, with no team overhead charge. Multiple teams from any school are encouraged if you have the depth. Captains can sign their team up in advance (free of charge) and players are expected to sign up after and pay their individual fees.
Please let any college players and teams you know about it, and let’s help them fill the field and make the event a resounding success!
Dave Adelson2021-06-22T10:14:06-07:00August 5th, 2019|