Help us celebrate the holiday spirit on the Monday after Christmas/first day of Kwanzaa/last day of Chanukah with some great food and beach ultimate at the 2022 Get Ho Ho HO! Community Beach Hat Tourney and Potluck! Special thanks goes out to a recent generous donation to LA Throwback Foundation, some of which will be used for goodies at the tourney.

Monday, December 26th, 9:30 am ~ 3:30 pm, between lifeguard stations 28 & 29 in Venice/Santa Monica. The event will be 4×4 or 5×5 mixed (depending on the final # of registrants).

Registration is free up until Wednesday Dec. 21st but please do not sign up unless you’re fairly certain you’ll make it.


This event is also a potluck! We strongly encourage everyone to bring something, whether its food or drinks. Please bring something that may be able to last outside in the shade/sun all day (without perishing or going nasty), and enough to feed yourself as well as one other person.

As usual, we’ll have lined fields, scoreboards, water, ice, and some other goodies. There will also be a massage table where you can work your friends’ kinks out for them. Please note, we will *NOT* have cups for water, even though we will have 5-gallon jugs of water out there. We ask that you bring your own container for water. Additionally, you may want to bring some sand socks to protect your feet, or we’ll have some available for a suggested donation at the event.

Other Notes

Again, registration is free if you sign up by Wednesday, Dec. 21st.  If you don’t register by then, it’ll be $10. Registration closes on the Friday before the tournament, at 5pm. If you pre-register and then can’t make it, please let us know. Please do not register unless you are serious about coming and playing. We know it’s free up until the Thursday before the tourney, but please don’t use this fact just to reserve a spot you aren’t sure you’ll use. Doing so makes planning very difficult, and leads to a lot of last minute shuffling of players.

This will be a random draw tourney but we will distribute players based on survey responses so overall team strength is as similar as possible. We use a random number generator to make the selections. Players will get an email the Friday evening before the event telling them which team they are on and letting them know their team color.

The event will be at the same location as our prior Free Beach Hats, on the beach just south of lifeguard station 28 and the Ashland Ave. bathrooms (i.e. at “South Beach Park”) in Venice (technically Santa Monica, but most people think of it as Venice). Please be there by 9:30 am so first games can start at 10:00 am. We’ll finish up around 3-4pm.

If you feel like donating to LA Throwback, please do…we will use the funds to produce more free events like this one, and our Nighttime Beach Ultimate.

Look forward to seeing you out there!