Free Nighttime Beach Ultimate in Venice/Santa Monica

The LA Throwback Foundation has purchased LED lights for nighttime pickup beach ultimate. Based on survey responses, we’ve started playing Tuesday nights in Venice, just south of Navy Street (one block north of Rose) on the beach. Starting around 7:30 pm each week we set out a 4×4 lined field along with the lights, and supply reversible brightly colored pinnies that are easy to see at night. There is no charge for the lights or the pinnies, but we do ask that people register here and sign the waiver. Facilitating this new game for our community aligns with our mission, is fun, and happens after traffic, so please join us! If there’s interest, we’re willing to add other days.

Details: All levels welcome but come ready to run. Generally knowledgeable players running hard. We start setting up at 7:30 pm. Game starts a bit before 8 and goes til about 10 pm. Come down Navy St to the beach and keep going onto the sand, where the bike path curves around the parking lot. If there’s no parking on Navy you can always park on Hampton just south of Marine and walk the couple blocks to the beach. Once you’re registered, we’ll send you an email each week to confirm we’re on.

Here’a some pics from recent games: