The Ultimate Border Project Fundraiser
To meet the urgent needs of migrant shelters in Tijuana.
Beginning August 2019, LA Throwback began bringing ultimate discs to kids in the migrant shelters of Tijuana, and developing plans to teach Ultimate there, in collaboration with local partners. Right now, though, the shelters need support just to survive. Donations to the shelters from local churches dried up when the churches first had to suspend in-person services. While services are again being held, the shelters – which are privately funded – still URGENTLY need your support. Although we are no longer able to offer custom neckies as thank you gifts, we hope that you will consider making a direct donation to the shelter or organization of your choice.
Minimum wage in Tijuana is about $10 per day.
Your donations make a huge impact.
What is the Ultimate Border Project?
The UBP is a multi-organizational collaboration to bring the sport of ultimate to kids in migrant shelters (albergues) along the border, where they and their families wait for their asylum hearings, typically for many months.
We provide discs to the children, and help connect ultimate players with the kids in shelters, teaching them to throw and to play ultimate.
The goal is to bring people together to share the common joy of play and to build community and solidarity. You can learn more about the Ultimate Border Project here.
What is the fundraiser for?
The shelters, and organizations that help serve them, are all under a great deal of financial pressure, and in urgent need of financial support to continue to serve the migrant population.
Project Partners
We thank our partners for making the Ultimate Border Project possible. Psicologos Sin Fronteras of Baja California (PSFBC) provides counseling and therapy for migrant families and children living in the albergues, and is coordinating training sessions for throwing, conditioning, and drills in the albergues.
Support the LA Throwback Foundation
Your donations help support our Ultimate Border Project, Free Beach Hat tournaments, Nighttime Beach Ultimate and other activities to promote the playing and teaching of ultimate and the civic engagement of our community. Thanks for anything you can contribute.