Ultimate Border Project
Partner Bios

Hugo Castro
Hugo Castro is a Mexican American, first generation from Bracero worker immigrant parents. Graduated from SDSU University, International Business. Started Migrant Right Activism 2002. Decided to concentrate in Baja helping deportees. In 2009, joined Border Angels. In 2010 helped to found Hotel Migrante Shelter. 2013 Organizing Member of the Caravan of Hope, through 23 cities across the US. 2013 lead migrant camp in Tijuana, supporting 847 deportees in a fight against Mexican Police Oppression. 2014, support organizing Bring Them Back 3, with the Dreamers. 2014 help to found Dreamers mothers organization supporting deported mothers, 2015 helped found Deported Mothers and Families in Action. 2016 started SOS Migrants program supporting deportees. 2017 founderd Undocumented Café and Arts. Currently a field organizer with the Coalition for Human Immigrant Rights (CHIRLA), and a board member of the immigrant rights and services organization Gente Unida.

Luis Guillermo Gomez Rosales
Luis Guillermo Gomez Rosales has a Ph.D. in psychology and has carried out extensive field work with the humanitarian organization Psicólogos Sin Fronteras (Psychologists Without Borders), where he is head of the Baja California chapter of the organization. Since the arrival of the migrant caravans in Tijuana, he has implemented mental health dynamics for the migrant communities, and brought that work to the migrant shelters (albergues) in Tijuana. This work developed collaboratively, bringing the psychological, ludic, artistic and athletic aspects towards a comprehensive mental health care.
As part of the projects that are implemented in shelters and with migrant communities, the solidarity work that is carried out today in conjunction with L.A. Throwback Foundation aims to bring the sport of Ultimate to young people as a means of teaching values, team work and community, in this way, opening the possibilities of social dynamics that bring solidarity between the different migrant communities, and the wider Ultimate community.
Psychologists Without Borders is an International Organization, which since 2000, collects the work developed by psychologists and other professionals with the aim of practicing the profession in a caring and committed way, contributing from their knowledge and concrete practice to improve the reality in the International and local context; working in defense of human rights, with people who suffer, and involved in promoting integral mental health.